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Providing support to foster children and families by CONNECTing them with community, resources, and solutions


Our goal is to prioritize the hearts and minds of children, along with their foster and biological families, including the traumatized and those needing healing.  We want to be a “safe place” when lives are being disrupted and, ideally, repaired as well.

Home: Services


We are Adam and Kathryn Adrian, local foster parents that have developed a passion for the foster community. After our first placement, it quickly became apparent that we have multiple teams working around the clock to provide excellent quality of care to the children, foster families, and biological families in this community. These resources seem to always give, without being adequately resourced themselves. We long to provide a solution to that problem.

Home: About
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Home: Meet the Team


Garrick is a Financial Planner at IPI Wealth Management. His professional influence can also be seen in various non-profit organizations such as a Board of Director for Cheerful Home Childcare Center, and volunteer at The Crossing Church, The United Way of Adams County, & Junior Achievement of Western Illinois. Outside of work and volunteering, Garrick cherishes time with his wife Chaka, their six children, and local church.


A Bit of Background

Connect is a community-based non-profit. We partner with local fostering agencies, both public and private, and have created the resources of this organization based on the needs voiced by our city’s frontline caregivers.

Home: Who We Are


Home: Get Involved

As of April 30, 2021, Illinois has 21,396 children in care, with 231 in Adams County.



Available to any foster family

A child can enter foster care at any time of the day or night. They often have nothing with them except the clothes on their backs. This also means foster families can get a call at any time, often not having extra time to prepare for the child and age they'll be welcoming into their homes. We want the children and families who receive your donations to know that they are truly valued, so we prefer that donations are in new or like new condition. It's especially helpful to us when donations are freshly washed and sorted by size and gender. This allows us more time to distribute to the children who need them. If you are in need of resources, call us! We would love to coordinate a time to show you around the closet or deliver essential items to your door. If we don't have what you need, we'll work with you to find it!


Available to all

One of the most urgent needs we've seen is a safe, inviting, healing space for a variety of resources. We imagine our space being used for visits with foster children and their biological families, classes, support groups, play dates, and much more. We believe in the work that's evolving in this community. This space is intended to come alongside Adams County so doors can be opened and hearts can be mended.


Available to biological parents

When children are removed from a home, there is a case plan established for the biological parents entailing what must be done before the children can return home. The case plan is basically a step by step guide for reunification. Sometimes these steps can seem really daunting to accomplish and that is completely normal. This is where Connect comes in! Connect employs Family Connection Specialists that work with biological parents to accomplish these goals. Whether it's offering a listening ear as they navigate life challenges or guiding them through a goal, such as deep cleaning their house or creating a budget, Connect understands and respects the hardness of the situation. We are humbled to play a small role in the reunification process!


Available to foster and biological families

One of the in's and out's of foster care is facilitating visits between foster children and their biological parents. At Connect, we partner with local agencies to help transport children, and sometimes parents, to and from visits, as well as oversee visits. Visits provide a place for parents and children to maintain and strengthen their relationship, while solidigying parent-child attachment. If you are wondering whether or not a Connect Visitation Specialist can help with a visit, please contact your caseworker. 


Monday: 10 am-4 pm

or by appointment

(call 217-388-1515)





Allison Sutter

Jacob Wiemelt

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Lisa Rabe


Jenna McDaniel

Home: Services
Home: Get Involved


Your support is important to our work at Connect Child & Family Solutions. There are several ways you can contribute toward our causes, and every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to do some good.


Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Connect Child & Family Solutions an even better Non-Profit Organization than it already is. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.


Want to get involved with Connect? There are so many ways to do so! From volunteering in our resource closet to donating essential items for foster children and families, we can’t make a difference without you. We appreciate you and your kindness!

To volunteer, please click the button and submit your volunteer application. We will contact you within two business days.


Connect seeks partnerships with businesses, churches, organizations, and schools committed to helping foster youth. There are all kinds of ways to get involved, and we are happy to brainstorm with you!


Please email us and we will contact you shortly. Thank you for supporting Connect Child and Family Solutions and families who need hope in Adams County.


Monday: 10 am to 4 pm

or call to schedule an appointment.

436 South 6th Street Suite 204, Quincy, IL 

Thanks for submitting!

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